Thursday, December 18, 2008

Spin Spin Spin!

Ah today was a lot of snow coming down. There were pile-ups everywhere in Seattle with the West Seattle Bridge being notorious for Pile ups.

Anyways, today was the first time I put the chains on my truck. I've always had them, as they are required to carry them up the pass. I've carried them and haven't had to use them, till now.

It worked well after some trial and error. There's just some road slapping noise if you go to fast, which is understandable, so basically with chains I shouldn't go over 25 otherwise it makes a racket on snow-free roads. It already does. It sounds smooth though on lots of snow and ice and you can feel it grip the road, which is wonderful. Also I bought 200 lbs. of sand for the back of the truck prior to the snowfall to improve traction.

Anyways an interesting day to say the least.
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